Poor Clio
Poor Clio is the personal blog of James Edmunds, nowadays tilted towards photos.

Click title to change photo:
17-year Cicadas
25 Scientists
49 Downing Street
50s Era Subway Car
81 and 82
A Belgian in Dundas
A Door in Paris
A Kayaker Videos the Passing Ferry
A little Paris
A Mighty Subway
A Real Page Turner
Absolutely No Diving
Advertising Clock
Ailing cab
Alien Mail
Alpine Sunflower
Amber Waves of Grain
American Avocet
American Thread
Amsterdam Avenue
And Pants
Andrea Mosquera
Andy Griff
Aquarium visitor looks up at fish
Aquatic Gardens
Arboretum Dedication
Arboretum Interior
Arboretum Photo Op
Arriving 59th St.
Ars Longa
Art Shot
Artistic Dishwashers
Ashes Only
Asphalting Allen
Aspidistra trimming
At Gail and Bob’s
At the Gallery
Atrium Light
Autumn Grass at Evening
Azalea Trail
Baby Chimney Swifts
Back home
Bait String
Balcony Echo
Baldcypress Trail
Banana Leaf in the Rain
Bare field
Beach House Morning
Beach vulture
Beau on the Metro
Bench and Drain
Big Bend Vista
Big Bend Windmill
Big tree
Bird tracks
Black Window
Blue bottles
Blue Heron Takeoff
Blue Moon Rise
Blue Trimmed Door
Boardwalk flowers
Boat on the Teche
Bodies in New Iberia
Boise City Bombed
Boldt Paper Mill
Boll Weevil Trap
Book Repair
Border cloud
Boys to men
Bread Porn
Briarwood Lilies
Brick face
Bright faces
Bromo Seltzer Tower
Brooklyn Heatherdale
Buddha in the mist
Burger Gone
Bus Driver, RIP
Bus Garage
Cabin in the Sky
Caged Bunnies
Cairo Library
Camera Phone, Camera Phone
Cameron Parish Wildflowers
Candace’s camera phone
Capitol pose
Car Ad?
Caroline Dormon Studio Bedroom
Cat in Window, Rainy Day
Catching beads
Cattails Next to Crawfish Pond
CC’s Ceiling
Chairs Looking Out Windows
Chanterelle Crew
Charlotte Airport
Charmine Neville
Chauvin Sculpture Garden
Cherry tomato
Chess Players
Chicken John
Chicot State Park
Choir on stage
Church door
Citheronia regalis
City Morning
Clara in the Window
Clarks Creek
Clearing the Bar
Cliff swallow nests
Clouds over Kansas
Colorado Storm Sky
Coming Soon
Commercial Avenue
Compatible Uses
Competitive Plowing
Congo Square
Consider the Eel
Coppelia Sample
Country Lane
Cowboy Mouth
Crab bucket
Crabbing Under the Clouds
Craters of the Moon
Cross Fire
Cup and cap
Curved Window Condensation
D-Day Fleet
D-Day Museum
Dancing in Big Mamou
Dave Silliman
Decorative Railing
Deep Creek Trail
Department Of
Devil’s highway
Dewey Know Where We Are
Dinner at L’Eglise
Dinosaur track
Dirty Laundry
Disjunctive Address
Dismantling Yves Saint Laurent Exhibit
Display Window Next to Filling Station
Distant Rain
Do Not Destroy
Doll maker
Donald Judd
Double Climb
Drainage by Numbers Kit
Drained Pond
Dredging the Teche
Drfit Log
Driskill Mountain
Driskill Summit
Drive In Window
Driving in the Bayou
Drum Major
Drum Power
Duct Tape Shoe
Dupont Circle Metro Stop
Dust Devil
East Village Dinosaur
Eat My Street
Eating Decatur Street
Edmar Castaneda
Eisemann Center
El Capitan reflection
El Shadow State Street
Electric wires
Elk with Antlers
Ellis Hall
Ellis Island
Empire State Building
End of the Tunnel
Endangered in Inwood
Enjoying the Music
Enron Field
Evening Bird Gathering
Evening in the plaza
Evening Walk
Extra Turbine Blades
Feathered hair
Fencing Curves
Ferry Railings
Ferry Window
Fiber Art
Fierce Dance
Filled Windows With Gauge
Finger Roll
Fingernail Moon
Fire and Water 2006
First Citizens Bank
First Growth Sugar Cane
Fish Market
Fit for Ewoks
Five Steps to More Storage
Flathead Lake
Flowers for the Dead
Flute Master Class
Fly the flag
Flying free
Foggy Road, Arizona
Fontana Dam
Fontana Dam Powerhouse
Footbridge at Juney Whank Falls
Foundation for Foundation Garments
Fraser River Curve
Free Wireless Hot Spot
Frost flowers
Frottoir Player
Fussing Crow
Gallery Floor
Garden Project
Gas Can
Gas Meters
Gazebo on the Teche
Gehry on the Bayou
Gentle Saskatchewan
George Washington Bridge
Getting the cure
Goat Cheese Room
Good Reading Porch
Goodbye, Tree
Goose Lake
Gospel Hall
Got Him
Gothic Architecture of Paris
Grain Elevator
Grain Field
Grand Cafe
Grand Central Station
Grand Isle Sliver
Grand Teton Moonset
Grand Teton Music Festival
Greenwich House subway sign
Gross Barber Shop
Grove Court, December Night
Guadalupe Lizard
Guardian Cloud
Gulls and Pelicans
Guy Wires
Hacklebarney Picnic Table
Hail the Mountain
Hair Ball
Half and half
Half Eaten Leaf
Halloween in Lambertville
Hamlet Tonight
Handbag Palimpsests
Hands Up!
Happy 2546
Happy 2547
Happy New Year 2549
Have A Coke
Head of Bayou Teche
Helicopter Logging
Helicopter Rescue
Hello World
Henry Hudson Parkway
Herbs room
Herons in the Mist
High and Dry
High Museum
High Steppers
High Water
High Water
High Water from Rita
Highway 82
Hold My Place
Holiday Farmer
Home of the Greyhounds
Hospital Corridor
Hot tamales
Hotel Corridor
House of blue
How Two Sisters Respond To Strangers
Hundreds of Collisions
Hurricane Lili
I Heart 21
I Think I Will Stay In
Iberia Parish Courthouse
Icebergs in Lake
Icefields Parkway
Insignia SL
Introducing Blink
Irrigation for Cotton
Irvin Mayfield
Irvin Mayfield at N.P. Moss
Irving Arts Center
It’s In The Hands
Jack and the Beanstalk
James Dean at Hotel El Paisano
Jason and Ashleigh Wedding
Jeff and Vida Band
Jesus de Milo
Jet over the beach
Join hands
July Caladiums
June Clouds and Cane
Kathak master
Kejimkujik Adjunct
Kettling Turkey Vultures
Khac Chi
Kids at the Aquarium
Kiki Panorama
King Sucrose Tractor
Knees and Feet
Know Your Line-Up
L.I.R.R. Tracks
La Brea Tar Pits
Ladies Plowing Competition
Lake Fausse Pointe Moon
Lake Louise Photo Op
Lao New Year
Last tomatoes
Lawns Closed
Layered Mesas
Leaf Print 2010
Leaning Handles
Lebanon Has Souvenirs
Legacy of Impressions
Lemon Tart
Leroy Street
Les Miserables Rehearsal
Lewiston and Clarkston
Library steps
Lightly Attended Performance
Line Up
Little Bitty Bike Sale
Lochsa River
Looking up
Louisa bridge
Louisiana muscadines
Lynne Arialle
Madeline Volleys
Madison Avenue
Make Levees Not War
Making Video of Street Singers
Many windows
Maori Dancers
Marble Cemetery
Mardi Gras Song
Market Carrots
Market Onions
Marmot Preparing for Winter
Marshall Gilkes
Mary Berry
MBA Presentation
Meadow in Yosemite Valley
Melissa in her Studio
Men Working Ahead
Menorah for Burrito Diners
Mentos and Diet Coke
Mesa Me Smile
Milwaukee Rain
Missing Person
Modern towers
Momentum shift
Monument Rocks
Moon over Milwaukee
Moon over the movie set
Moonrise with line-shaped clouds
Moore Law Firm
Moravia Cemetery
Morgan Library
Morning Stretch
Most Valuable Cat
Mountain Flower Dew Drop
Mountain Sheep
Mountains and Range
Mr. Al at his new home
Mr. Gordy’s RV
Mt. Baker Auto
Music from above
Mystery Buckeye
Narrow Bridge
National Gallery stairs
Native Azaleas on the trail
Nebraska Clouds
Nebraska Irrigation
Nebraska Sky
Nephila Clavipes
New Boardwalk
New Camera Phone
New Museum
New Office
New Traffic Lights
New Year Photo Op
New York in the Spring
Nice Cars
Night Fountain
Night Heron
Night heron in flight
No 1. Train
No Drilling
No High Rises
No Loitering From Bridge
No No
No. 9749
Not a Bird At All
Not For Rent
Not Quite Perpendicular
Notes at Rehearsal
Object of Art
Office Aftermath
Old Centenary
Old River Control Auxiliary Structure
Old River Control Auxiliary Structure - Side View
On the bongos
On the Melville Ferry
One Armed Man
One Gal Two Guys
One Way Chicken
Open Door Church
Open Rehearsal
Open Window
Osage Orange
Our Camp Spot
Our Lady of the Ghouls
Our Table Before Supper
Overhaul Shop
PASA in the Park
PASA Tap City Stars
Patriotic Display
Pearl Street
Pedestrian on Bridge
PEI Turbines
Pelican In Flight
People Who Hear Jets
Pepsi can
Phone Books for Poor Clare Nuns
Photographing Ave Maria
Photographing Lao Beauty Queens
Photographing Mountain Sheep
Photographing the Persian Day Parade
Photographing Whale Sculpture
Piano Piano
Pierce Point barn
Pitt Street Rain
Pivot Irrigaion
Plaquemine Lock
Plumbing Remnants
Poison Spider Road
Polished English
Political Excursion Train
Pollution Fear
Post parade
Potted Palm
Prairie King Snake
Prairie View
Prep School Gothic
Presidio County Courthouse
Price Lake Road
PS3 Halloween Parade
Pulcinella’s downstairs
Purple Door
Putting it to Labor
Rail Cars Behind Sugar Mill
Railway Town
Rain from Mt. Evans
Rain-slicked streets
Rear Window
Rebel Motel
Red eye
Red Roof, Red Car
Red Tides
Refuge Steps
Restaurant Chairs
Richard Johnsons Hat
Riverwalk view
Road Runner Running Road
Roadside Dogwood
Roadside Flowers
Ron K. Brown
Roofless Church
Rough-legged hawk
Row of Drain Pipes
Rows Behind Furrows
Roxane Butterfly
Sacred Cutout
Salsa Class
Salt Basin
Sasanqua Petals
Saturday Ball Game
Scallop Shuckers
Scavenger Egrets
Scuplture Garden
Sea Anemone
Seward Park Branch
Shaded Lane
Shadows in the Fountain
Shakespeare Class
Shaw Center for the Arts
Shipping Burial Cremation
Shoe Tree
Shrimp boxes
Sidewalk Clown
Sidewalk Marking
Sierra Snow
Sign with a veiw
Silver Tower
Singing Pitcher Plants
Sir Barton
Small Dogs
Smoke stack dream
Snow Plows Under the Pulaski Bridge
So Percussion, So Full Moon
Solstice Light
Some Big Canyon
Sorrows Bingo
South Beach
Soweto Dancers
Soybeans and Building
Spent Entertainment Missile
Spring Clover
Spring Wheat
Spud bank
St. Joseph scaffolding
St. Peter Branch
Stack detail
Stacked chairs
Stained Glass Armadillo
Step Team
Stirring music
Store Moose
Storm clouds
Strange Old Bird
Strange Old Birds
Suburban Paradise
Subway sketching
Sugar Beets
Sugar Cane Road at Dusk
Susan and her mom
Susan at Deep Creek
Susan at the Arboretum
Susan in the Snow
Susan in the Stream
Susan of the Snakes
Susan on the Train
Swing Shift
Swollen Bladderwort
Sylva Taxi Stand
Take it to the Hole
Taking a Photo Before Monet Water Lilies
Taking Care of the Plane
Takraw players Lanexang Village
Tap at 307
Temple Mail
Texas vultures
Thanks, but no thanks
Thanksgiving Table
The Art of Paper
The Boldt stack
The Earth Always Wins
The Great Gator Race
The high road
The Lighthouse She Chose
The Little Room
The Luggage
The Meek Don’t Eat Meats
The New Temple
The Old Mill
The Raven
The Raven
The Road Ahead
The stack
Three Dumpsters
Three Wise Men
Three women at the beach
Tidal Flats
Time Warner Building
Tire Tracks in Sand
Tour du Teche
Towers of Worship
Train Crossing
Transmission Fluid Leak
Tree at Cypremort Point
Tree exam
Tree Growth
Tree that looks like a man
Trinity Cemetery
Trinity Church grounds
Trolley in the suburbs
Trompe L’Oeil
Tsunami terrace
Turkey Oak
Turner Field
Two Bridges
Two Canoes at Bay Fortune
Two Cell Phone Conversations
Two Heads, Each Moving Forward
Two moths
U Pic
Under the Bridge
University Art Museum
Up on the Roof
Upland Bog
Upper Mina Lake
Vacation at Last
Valentine Lake Iris
Vane Discovery
Vegetative sculpture
Vegreville Pysanka
Vent Window
Venus de Pollard
Vermilion Lakes
Very Large Array
Video d’LITE
View from our balcony
View from Steptoe Butte
View from the Lighthouse
Village Tour, Wet Day
Visible Storage
Visitor Parking
Volleyball from the Balcony
Waiting For Lili
Waiting for the House to Open
Walgreens Late Afternoon
Walking to School
Wall wires
Washington Square
Washington Square Arch
Waste Anything But Time
Wasted exposure?
Water Bronto
Water Towers and Bricked In Window
Watermelon excavations
Watermelon Horizon
Waving grain
Welcome to Las Vegas
Well, I got one
Wess and Stephaine
West End Ave
West Facing Windows
Wet Day Leaves
Wet Filing Cabinet
Wet tracks
What Happens to Chickens
What’s Back There?
When Pigs Fly
Where Prices Are Born...
White Bird Battlefield
Why, Indeed?
Wildflower Seed Bank
Wiley Coyote I
Willa Cather’s bedroom
Wind farm
Window Loaves
Window of many slats
Windows Through The Windows
Winter Lake Trees
Winter Wheat
Winter Window
Wire on the ground
Wisteria Room
World Cup Watchers
WW II Memorial
Yosemite Tunnel
Your Choice
Zephyrs game
Zydeco Forum
Zydeco! Student Performance
Zydeco! World Premiere
Order by chronology (newest at top)

Thumbnail preview:

e-mail me. Or even see me in the sixth grade.

Poor Clio Photo Repository for "Pre-Flickr" images (to August, 2013)

My gateway site:

Staircase wit:
What I Should Have Said

It's back!
Elevation demo

Visit New Iberia

My movies site:

My guitar site:

Entire contents
©2000-2024 James Edmunds.
All rights reserved.

We're making history...Poor Clio!

Poor Clio Photos on FLICKR

8.8.2013 This Poor Clio site will stay in place for archived photos and a few experiments and the like, but future photos will be placed in a Photo Set at Flickr. Possible future updates may integrate the Flickr API into this site. Or not. In any case, here is link for my Flickr photos for this space:

James Edmunds' Poor Clio photos on Flickr


Yes, there is already a link to LuminoidFilms.com on the left, in that spattered array of links to various projects spanning over a decade. But here is yet another link, to the very same page:


It is, you see, what most pre-occupies my thoughts these days.